Field Mapper Page of the Integration Wizard

Use this page to define the order of the columns in the actual cost import file.

  • For the Actual Cost Integration process, Cobra only supports import file in CSV (comma separated values) file format.
  • The File contains a header row option is not displayed when you are importing actual costs from a database.

Defining the Field Order

To define the data field in each column, select values from the field in the first row of each column. If you want the import file to include a header row, choose the File contains a header row option. When the header in the file matches the field names in Cobra, the column mapping occurs automatically upon selecting this option.

With the exception of <Ignore>, you can select a field only once. A selected field is no longer available in the subsequent columns.

When using the Actual Cost Integration process, you only need to select one or more key or code fields when loading data. The selected field should be at the same level where the actual costs are being loaded, for example, a Work Package (WP) level code field. The process then uses this field to determine where to load the actual costs. If the key field or code is unique for all WP keys or codes in the project, the actual costs will load into the corresponding work package.

For instance, consider a scenario where you are loading at the WP level. You have three work packages in the project, all defined by Code 1. The first work package has Load as the code, while the other two have Do Not Load as the C1 code. If you load actual costs and select WP Code1 as the field, and your actual cost import file contains Load and Do Not Load as codes for two rows, the first row will load since it is unique, but the second row with Do Not Load will trigger an error message about it not being unique and will be skipped.

Field Description
Control Account field 1 prompt This field is required if the Auto-create missing Control Account or Work Package option is selected on the File Selection page. If this field is not defined, Cobra will display an error message, and you will not be able to proceed to the next page.
Control Account field 2 prompt

This field is required only if it is defined as a control account key field for the project. Additionally, it should be selected if the Auto-create missing Control Account or Work Package option is selected on the File Selection page. If this field is not defined, Cobra will display an error message, and you will not be able to proceed to the next page.

Control Account field 3 prompt This field is required only if it is defined as a control account key field for the project. Additionally, it should be selected if the Auto-create missing Control Account or Work Package option is selected on the File Selection page. If this field is not defined, Cobra will display an error message, and you will not be able to proceed to the next page.
Work Package prompt This field is required only if you are loading actuals at the work package level. Additionally, it should be selected if the Auto-create missing Control Account or Work Package option is selected on the File Selection page. If this field is not defined, Cobra will display an error message, and you will not be able to proceed to the next page.
Resource prompt
Result This is the actual word “Result". When you select Result, you must also select Result value and vice versa.
Result value
<Individual Results> This option separately lists each result defined for the selected project in the Resource File Properties dialog box. You can select either Result or multiple <Individual Results>. You cannot select both Result and <Individual Results>.
Cost date If you are loading the actual cost records from a database, the Date column should be in DateTime type.

This field is required if the Use Cost date to define Control Account or Work Package start dates option is selected on the File Selection page. If this field is not defined, Cobra will display an error message, and you will not be able to proceed to the next page.

Project This field is available only if the selected project is a master project.  
Code.<prompt> This field lists code prompts on the control accounts or work packages depending on the level of actual costs defined.
Resource Assignment.<prompt> This field is only available when you are importing code assignments from a single file. There is one column for each Resource Assignment Code Field defined on the project. Selecting the Resource Assignment columns is optional.